Thermal imager or infrared thermometer – when is which worthwhile?
Application |
Servicing electrical systems
If you only take one-point temperature measurements on clearly delineated areas larger than 2.4 mm, the use of the infrared thermometer testo 835-T2 or T-1 is recommended. With the help of an external probe, both are automatically able to determine the emissivity of measurement objects. In addition to this, testo 835-T2 can measure temperatures up to 1500 °C. |
If you need to visualize temperature developments, exactly locate very small overheated contacts, and at the same time present an overview of measurement objects, then you can rely on the thermal imager testo 875-2i. |
Monitoring mechanical loads
With the help of an external probe, the infrared thermometers testo 835-T1 and testo 835-T2 are able to automatically determine the emissivity of measurement objects. This ensures more precise measurement results, especially when monitoring moving components in plants. testo 835-T2 can measure temperatures up to 1500 °C over testo 835-T1 |
If you need exact information on larger measurement objects, or if you do not know beforehand where exactly in a system mechanical loads can reach a critical stage, then choose the handy thermal imager testo 870 whose functions were specially developed for use in industrial maintenance. |
Measuring high temperature
Do you need to measure temperatures up to 1500 °C reliably and from a safe distance? Then you need the infrared thermometer testo 835-T2, specially developed for these requirements. |
Your plant only ever heats up to max. 1200°C, but measurements can only be taken from a greater distance? Then rely on the thermal imager testo 885 with exchangeable lenses (optional): Standard lens for an overview, and telephoto lens for precise distance measurements. |
Ensuring diecasting quality
With the infrared thermometers testo 835-T1 and testo 835-T2, you can take spot temperature measurements on large diecast parts (e.g. in the automotive industry), gaining valuable insights into the correct temperature distribution of diecasting moulds. testo 835-T2 differs from testo 835-T1 as it can measure temperatures up to 1500 °C. |
If you wish to test the temperature distribution over the entire diecast part, you have a choice between the thermal imagers testo 885 and testo 875i. The model testo 885, however, has a larger detector and a better thermal sensitivity. For a more exact testing of anomalies, a follow-up spot measurement with the infrared thermometers testo 835-T1 or testo 835-T2 is recommended. |
Testing compressors
Clearly delineated, larger measurement spots on compressors (5 - 10 cm in diameter, depending on the measurement distance) can be precisely tested even from a distance with the two infrared thermometers testo 835-T2 and testo 835-T1. |
If spot measurements are not sufficient, or if you wish to have an overview of the complete temperature distribution of a compressor– for example in order to be able to monitor critical components more closely – you should choose the thermal imager testo 870. Thanks to the IRSoft software included in delivery, you can also easily document all measurements carried out with the imager. |