How important is maintaining the quality of cooking oil in food industry?
There is absolutely no limit to what can be tossed into deep fryer and served up to the public. However, like most things, even cooking oil ages. Use of cooking oil which is too old for deep-frying produces inferior quality of food which may also contain substances which present a risk to health. On the contrary, too early replacement of cooking oil causes wastage which directly effects your costs.
Safety in daily use
New generation technology to maintain the quality of cooking oil along with safety.
The new generation of the proven cooking oil tester testo 270 helps you inspect the quality of cooking oil for producing healthy food even faster. The cooking oil tester testo 270 measures the Total Polar Material (TPM) content in the cooking oil, which is a sure indicator of its quality. Regular measurement with the testo 270 prevents the use of oil which is too old along with preventing the wastage of cooking oil due to too early replacement thus ensuring the quality of deep-fried foods, and reducing expenditure for cooking oil by up to 20 % and therefore saving cost!
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